Written in collaboration with: Marcel Mohab, Manuel Rubey
Cinematography: Robert Oberrainer
Production Design: Martin Reiter & Johanna Hierzegger
Sound Design: Claus Benischke-Lang, Nils Kirchhoff, Manuel Meichsner
Costume Design: Veronika Albert
Make-up: Sam Dopona & Verena Eichtinger
Casting: Eva Roth
Editing: Karin Hammer
Producers: Oliver Neumann & Sabine Moser
Production: FreibeuterFilm
Julia Jentsch, Manuel Rubey, Aenne Schwarz, Marcel Mohab, Lena Tronina, Tambet Tuisk
With kind support by: Österreichisches Filminstitut, Filmfonds Wien, ORF Film/Fernseh-Abkommen, FISA – Filmstandort Austria, Niederösterreich, in Koproduktion mit Wega-Film
Austrian Distributor:
German Distributor:
jip Film & Verleih
Max Ophüls Filmfestival 2020 – Prize for best director
Göteborg Film Festival 2020
Berlin and Beyond Film Festival 2020
Thomas Pluch Prize for the Best Script 2020
Filmkunstfest MV Schwerin 2020
Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2020
CoolConnections – Festival of new Austrian films 2020
Das Filmfest Prague 2020
Kinofest Lünen – 2020
The two couples Helene and Jakob, Tina and Volker are modern, urbane people in their late 30s who enjoy a privileged, orderly existence in Vienna. When word reaches them that a Russian friend from their student days needs help, they decide on the spur of the moment to seize the opportunity: finally the chance to do something instead of just talking! But what they first perceive as an adventure soon comes to threaten the very foundations of old friendships and current relationships. Because help can be defined in different ways – and the people being helped here don’t behave the way the helpers think they should. Ultimately the arrival of Pavel and his family confronts the Austrians with the discrepancies between their ideals and the way they actually lead their lives.



Born in Graz in 1979, lives in Vienna. Since 2001: student of direction at Filmakademie Wien.
Member of the ‘Gruppe Eigenbau vom Theater im Bahnhof’ and ‘Verein Gruppe Dagmar’
2001-2005: assistant director and script at several Austrian movies and documentaries
2005: Cinestyria movie scholarship
2008: ScriptLAB support of the Drehbuchforum Wien (‚screenplay forum‘) ‚Der ungelöste Fall‘ (‚The unsolved case‘)
2014 – High Performance – Feature Film
2009 – Party People (Part of the short film compilation: “Im Auto – Ein steirischer Episodenfilm”) – Short Film
2009 – Buffalo People (by The Base) – Music Clip
2008 – Mit Blick auf Wien (Part of the short film compilation: Eleven Minutes) – Short Film
2007 – Her mit dem schönen Leben – Short Film
2007 – Das 2. Vatikanum geht in Pension – Documentary
2007 – Not my Dog (von The Base) – Music Clip