by Paul-Julien Robert
A 2012, 93 min.
Cinematography: Klemens Hufnagl, Fritz Ofner
Dramaturgy & Editing: Oliver Neumann
Sound: Sebastian Meise, Oliver Neumann, Till Röllinghoff
Sound Editing: David Almeida-Ribeiro
Music: Walter Cikan, Marnix Veenenbos
Producers: Oliver Neumann, Sabine Moser
Production: FreibeuterFilm
With kind support by: Innovative Film Austria, Vienna Film Fund, ORF Film/Ferseh-Abkommen
Austrian Distributor: Stadtkino
German Distributor: Mindjazz
Swiss Distributor: Stammfilm
Worldsales: Filmdelights
Diagonale 2013
Vision du Reel 2013
Nyon 2013
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2013
Dok.fest Munich 2013
Sarajevo Film Festival 2013
Kasseler Dokfest 2013
57. London Film Festival 2013 – Grierson Award
Duisburger Filmwoche 2013
Sevilla IFF 2013
Solothurner Filmtage
Austrian Film Award 2014 – Best Documentary & Best Editing
New Horizons International Film Festival 2014
Astra Film Festival 2014
Frontale 2014
Slamdance 2015
Communal property, free sexuality, dissolution of the nuclear family – these were the basic principles of the Friedrichshof, the largest commune in Europe founded by the Viennese Actionist Otto Mühl at the beginning of the 1970’s. In With(out) Family the director Paul-Julien Robert, who was born into this commune, embarks on a personal journey into his past. Including archive material made public for the first time in this film, the director confronts himself and his mother with the question “What is family?”






Paul-Julien Robert was born in Paris in 1979, grew up in Austria and Switzerland. In 1998 he began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, class for conceptual art as well as at the University of the Arts in Berlin. In 2003 he completes his diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Shoots his first short film, GOOD MORNING SIR, in 2002. After two more short works, ERLEBT (2005) and DER AFFE BEISST, DER MENSCH ERZIEHT (2006), MEINE KEINE FAMILIE is his first long documentary film.
2006 – Der Affe beisst, der Mensch erzieht – Short Film
2002 – Good morning sir – Short Film