Feature Fiction Film
by Johanna Moder
A 2014, 100 min.
Cinematography: Robert Oberrainer
Editing: Karin Hammer
Sound: Claus Benischke, David Almeida Ribeiro
Production Design: Martin Reiter, Johanna Hierzegger
Casting: Eva Roth
Costume Design: Veronika Albert
Make-up: Evgenia (Jenny) Popova
Gaffer: Lukas Kern, Benjamin Klein
Sound Editor: Nils Kirchhoff
Color Correction: Andreas Winter
Sound Mixing: Bernhard Maisch
Producers Oliver Neumann, Sabine Moser
Production: FreibeuterFilm
Marcel Mohab: Daniel
Manuel Rubey: Rudi
Katharina Pizzera: Nora
Jaschka Lämmert: Barbara
Helmut Berger: Vater
Stephanie Fürstenberg: Mutter
Lisa Weidenmüller: Maria
Tobias Ofenbauer: Jürgen
Simon Dietersdorfer: Klemens
Alexander Deutinger: Thomas
Marta Navaridas: Ana
Lotta Schein: Irmi
Georg Klüver-Pfandtner: Oliver
Florian Horwath: Leiter der IT-Abteilung
With kind support by: Austrian Film Institute, Vienna Film Fund, Steiermark Cine Art
Diagonale 2014
Sound and Vision Trier 2014
World Film Festival 2014
Kinofest Lünen 2014 – Best Script
Bratislava International Film Festival 2014
Exposed Festival für erste Filme 2014
Slamdance 2015
HIGH PERFORMANCE is the story of two grown up brothers who still know how to hurt each other. All of a sudden each of them has the opportunity to help the other. What starts as a harmless quid-pro-quo situation with a prospect of getting closer to each other soon becomes a struggle for values and love, the family’s cohesion and a business’ existence are threatened.






Born in Graz in 1979, lives in Vienna. Since 2001: student of direction at Filmakademie Wien.
Member of the ‘Gruppe Eigenbau vom Theater im Bahnhof’ and ‘Verein Gruppe Dagmar’
2001-2005: assistant director and script at several Austrian movies and documentaries
2005: Cinestyria movie scholarship
2008: ScriptLAB support of the Drehbuchforum Wien (‚screenplay forum‘) ‚Der ungelöste Fall‘ (‚The unsolved case‘)
2009 – Party People (Part of the short film compilation: “Im Auto – Ein steirischer Episodenfilm”) – Short Film
2009 – Buffalo People (by The Base) – Music Clip
2008 – Mit Blick auf Wien (Part of the short film compilation: Eleven Minutes) – Short Film
2007 – Her mit dem schönen Leben – Short Film
2007 – Das 2. Vatikanum geht in Pension – Documentary
2007 – Not my Dog (von The Base) – Music Clip